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The KYAC Events page is here for you to see what's going on in our area and for you to place events that are of interest to viewers and listeners. Below is a celendar of KYAC Events. Our policy about posting events is below the calendar.

Our policy about posting events:

  1. Postings are only for community events that will also be read live on the KYAC radio bulletin board so please write them as they would be read on the air.

  2. No posters or flyers.

  3. Fill out the information lines completely and be sure to add a contact name, address and phone number and add yours too in-case we have to contact you for further information.

  4. No private ads please, these are for non profit organizations.

  5. All posts will be looked at first and approved by the KYAC administrator before posting on this site.

  6. If you do not wish to post your ad here, you can mail or drop them off to KYAC, 158 SW Broadway, Mill City, OR 97360. FMI 503-897-6397 or mail them to KYAC PO Box 172, Mill City, OR 97360. 

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